domingo, 21 de outubro de 2007

Fairy Tale

Fairy tales don't need to be true. Don't need to be real. That's why they're fairy tales... Something so pure, so sweet and innocent, but so powerful... That makes every child wish to be a princess or a prince, just to find such true love, such a strong love...
But our childhood is lost. We now start to face the reality of the world. Where fairy tales reveal as lies.
But we don't need to believe in fairy tales... because we don't need magic, we don't need a prince or a princess... All we need is our selfs.
And our heart.
Nothing more.
(Well, many things more, but it doesn't mater now.)

Well, what i am trying to say is...Although we may think that everything can be bad, can be wrong, can be sad....We need to believe in our own strength...and in future.

In destiny.

In a hand to hold.
In a kiss to be given.
In a hug to be felt.

That's all.

Specially to: Roxas

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

make the fairy tale become true.
make your one fairy tale. Be the princess, get your prince.

Tell him.
Sabes que deves :)

Lu* disse...

para mateus:

não sei o que se deve ou n fazer.
Fairy tales dont come true. Reality remember?
I would just like if...reality...could be nice to me...

Anónimo disse...

mas ela pode ser boa. Apenas ainda não o sabes... Turn your cherish into love...

Dont regret it. Just dont be afraid to do it.

Lu* disse...

para mateus:

Im not afraid. I just aint sure.
Demasiados obstaculos neste caminho.
But...the truth is...i would like to feel his hug...a real kiss in the cheek. A real conversation.
A real thing.

Anónimo disse...


Yeah they ain't true.
But to a lot of people they are like objectives/purposes in life.

So think about it.

Unfortunately I don't believe in Fairy Tales.

Lu* disse...

to Cloud:

Yeah...I dont believe either. But...i believe in a persons heart.
Dunno, some people say I'm too naive, but i dont care. I just do believe.
And a I believe a persons heart can heal so many pain or loneliness when it has someone inside it. Dunno, its just what i think.
But...if real things are about to happen, if they're true, well, theres no need for fairy tales.
The only needed thing is time.