domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007


Hurt me and I'll cry,
Hurt me and I'll bleed,
Hurt me and I'll die,
Hurt me, you will see.

Hurt me, I can't sleep,
Hurt me, I can't eat,
Hurt me, I can't concentrate,
Hurt me, I can't retreat.

Hurt me, I won't hurt back,
Hurt me, I won't leave,
Hurt me, I'll love you still,
Hurt me, I'll still believe.

Hurt me, I'll say "sorry,"
Hurt me, I'll take it on me,
Hurt me 'cause I'm used to it,
Hurt me! Hurt me! Please!

Hurt me and I'm yours,
Hurt me just once more,
Hurt me so much that,
I can't be hurt anymore...

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007

Apanhar uma rima

Num belo dia olhei para cima
E encontrei uma pequena rima.

Devagar pu-la no chão,
Mas ela fugiu dando-me um encontrão.

Fui atrás dela na minha bicicleta,
Mas ela corria como uma atleta!

Tentei atirar-lhe um sapato,
Mas ela tornou-se num carrapato!

Tentei agarrá-lo sem muita luta
Mas ele aumentou para uma truta.

Segui-a usando um barco,
Mas então ela tornou-se um urso pardo.

Quando a alimentei com madeira e mel,
Ela tornou-se num avião de papel.

E foi então que cresceu...
E levantou voo...e desapareceu.

quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2007

Vem sentar-te comigo, Lídia

Vem sentar-te comigo, Lídia, à beira do rio.
Sossegadamente fitemos o seu curso e aprendamos
Que a vida passa, e não estamos de mãos enlaçadas.
(Enlacemos as mãos.)

Depois pensemos, crianças adultas, que a vida
Passa e não fica, nada deixa e nunca regressa,
Vai para um mar muito longe, para ao pé do Fado,
Mais longe que os deuses.

Desenlacemos as mãos, porque não vale a pena cansarmo-nos.
Quer gozemos, quer não gozemos, passamos como o rio.
Mais vale saber passar silenciosamente
E sem desassossegos grandes.

Sem amores, nem ódios, nem paixões que levantam a voz,
Nem invejas, que dão movimento demais aos olhos,
Nem cuidados, porque se os tivesse o rio sempre correria,
E sempre iria ter ao mar.

Amemo-nos tranquilamente, pensando que podíamos,
Se quiséssemos, trocar beijos e abraços e carícias,
Mas que mais vale estarmos sentados ao pé um do outro
Ouvindo correr o rio e vendo-o.

Colhamos flores, pega tu nelas e deixa-as
No colo, e que o seu perfume suavize o momento
Este momento em que sossegadamente não cremos em nada,
Pagãos inocentes de decadência.

Ao menos, se for sombra antes, lembrar-te-ás de mim depois
Sem que a minha lembrança te arda ou te fira ou te mova,
Porque nunca enlaçamos as mãos, nem nos beijamos
Nem fomos mais do que crianças.

E se antes do que eu levares o óbolo ao barqueiro sombrio,
Eu nada terei que sofrer ao lembrar-me de ti.
Ser-me-ás suave à memória lembrando-te assim - à beira-rio,
Pagã triste e com flores no regaço.

Ricardo Reis

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007

The Way I am

I am sensitive and smart.
I wonder about the problems of society,
I hear the signs of freedom calling me.
I see the world as I imagine it,
I want it to be reality.
I am sensitive and a dreamer.

I pretend I know reality but
I feel I know nothing.
I touch only my imagination,
I worry about everyone’s frustration...
I cry if I see someone really bad,
I am sensitive, and that's that.

I understand if people don't get me,
I say I don't mind, but it isn't the truth.
I dream about what I want, and
I try to turn it to reality.
I hope someone really gets me someday...
I am sensitive...and I'm not okay.

sábado, 17 de novembro de 2007


I dont feel prepared to you
nor to face the world.
I dont feel confident that you're the one
nor that "the one" exists.
I dont feel prepared to another love
nor to another desilution.
I dont feel confident on what I say,
nor on what I think.
I dont feel prepared to move on.

One thing that I feel?
I like you. That's something I feel.

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007

Should I?

I wish to give you my heart...
...Should I?...

(Obrigada por me devolveres a inspiração =$)

quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2007

That Night

I'll always remember... in early November...
I saw you cross the room, and i couldn't see anyone else,
'cause of your gloom.

And I've never been so scared before...
never been so afraid..
My eyes upon you, and yours upon me,
Both were trying to persuade.

That night there was magic,
A spell was cast towards me...
That night I was spellbound,
You were the only one I could see.

That your side...
For the first time.


Everyday the world seems harder. Harder to face, harder to live, harder to breathe.
Courage seems to be slipping away from my body and soul...and happiness seems so far away, i cant even see it trough a telescope.
Sometimes i just wish i could fly away, disappear, go to somewhere no one would know me. Where i could be alone.
But there's still those special people, who give me courage to fight. To exist.
My friends.
I wish i could get on an angels wing and fly away to an everlasting dream.

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

The one I want

I cry in fear of loneliness sometimes
But I really believe my heart beats one life.
And it's you I choose, I can't love another.
I'm never gonna give you up,
'cause living alone is not worth as much.

I close my eyes and it's you I see
and every day that I breathe,
From the highest mountains to the seas,
I will be waiting...waiting for you to come to me.

As I think and lay down alone,
I never wanna hold no one.
I always dreamed one day you'd come,
and this time it's so real...
You tell me, what you see and feel.

'Cause it's you I want.
And I can't wake up for another love.

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2007

Letter For You

I wrote this letter especially for you
To show you what my feelings are going through.
Never shall I kiss someone else's lips,
Not having you around feels like a solar eclipse.

You know, you are unbelievably beautiful,
Not having met you earlier makes me feel like a fool
Words cannot express
What it makes me feel when I see you in distress.

You know, you mean so much to me...
I never knew this could be.
I anxiously await our time ahead,
Not being together, my heart feels dead

I hope you can put this friendship to use.
To surprise you I do not need any excuse.
Until soon, when we meet again...
Until then, my love is flowing like water
Through a broken dam...

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007

I'll be here

I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away,
But let me stay and take your hand,
And be with you today.

I'll listen when you need to talk,
I'll wipe away your tears,
I'll share your worries when they come,
I'll help you face your fears.

I am here and i will stand by you,
On each mountain you have to climb,
So take my hand lets face the world,
And live just one day at a time.

Your not alone for I'm still here,
I'll go that extra mile,
And when your grief is easier,
I'll help you learn to smile...


segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2007


Smile towards the sunshine

And take all your friends with you.

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2007

Losing Faith

Slender beams of accusation enter
this darkened chamber as I kneel,
always a slave, always silent,
frozen here,

Haloed forms wrought in panes of glass loom
as dust dances in the air,
forming an image in my mind,
searing my shamed soul.

Tears on an angel's face.

I raise my head, now kneeling before
this oblivious reality.


What have you done?
A cloud of betrayal as affections vanish.
Once, we experienced innocence,
glad-hearted and childlike,
but your heart perished.
A feverish vision of bitterness - emotions
follow memory, and follow night.
Love spoiled in a burst of vengeance.

i condemn you.


It is a night of sorrow, a song of darkness,
wolves vent their loneliness. The beautiful one

Mist shrouds her walking form,
in everlasting agony.

Her ebony hair cascades over
pale and tragic shoulders, and her
full scarlet lips part slightly, to taste the
red tears streaming from the
pale flesh beneath her.

Now a night of shared vitality.

By: Me