quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

Special one.

Your skin glows like the pure crystal, blossoms beautiful as the red rose in the purest hope of spring.
My heart follows your violin voice and leaps like a kittycat at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a great eagle wing.
Your body that I carry into the twilight of moonbeams and hold next to my heart comforts me.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of watery cry.
As my mind falls from my dream, it reminds me of your presence.
In the quiet, I listen for the last bird singing of the day.
My heated soul leaps to my heart. I wait in the moonlight for your secret wisper so that we may cry as one, soul-to-soul, in search of the magnificient black and mystical feeling of love.

[Um poema que fiz para ingles há já algum tempo, não tendo namorado, sendo esta pessoa aqui falada um amor ainda não conhecido.]

2 comentários:

Carolina disse...

Está perfeito *_*

Carolina disse...

Awww, thank you! ^^ I really liked what you wrote!